Mondays with Meghan & Morty It’s a Dog-alogue Blog!
Welcome to our Dog-alogue Blog. Where Me and Morty will be talking shop along with a little bit of a lot of everything.
“Friends, a little side note before we get started. Since this Dog-alogue Blog is on Mondays, Morty is well known for getting a case of the Mondays and can be a bit Grumpy. So on those days I will make up for his crabby attitude with a little discount code or freebie, so keep coming back.”

“Hey Speak for yourself, woman! I don’t get grumpy, I just get a little sassy when you interrupt my naps. That’s when I do all my best thinking. Just remember who the boss of this operation is.”
“Ooookay Morty, I’m sorry your royal heinous, (See what I mean folks). Anyways let’s jump in. I’m Meghan and this is Morty and we own Snorty Morty Designs. This brand is a reflection of finding beauty and joy in all things God created through my playful artwork. Morty brings
me smiles and laughter on the good days and bad! So my one mission is to pay it forward by bringing a little joy and a smile to your face with my art and Morty’s cute and funny personality! And yes, I do all of the painting but Morty tends to take the credit for... mmmm pretty much everything!”
“I do take credit for it, I inspire you, do I not? Hello!!! What is the name of this company? And once in a while I do like to pick up a paint brush but I don’t want my paws getting too messy. Someone has to stay pretty for the pictures. After all, I am the face of Snorty Morty Designs.”
“Yes Morty, you are pretty, pretty full of yourself. But you are right, you do inspire me. I can’t help but feel happy when I look at your wrinkly-snorty-pig-face even when you are being bossy. Speaking of bossy, when you are helping me with what to draw or paint, where do your ideas come from and what inspires you?”
“Woah there, who are you calling a pig? Sure I do love to eat and make a few similar noises, BUT I AM NOT PINK!” “Let’s see, most of the time I get them from everyday things like going on walks, car rides or playing soccer ball. I love being outside, I get inspired from all of the colors in nature and different animal friends I see on my adventures. Even those lazy Kitty Cats that talk smack when I walk by. But I never respond to those cat calls, I take the high road. They can’t help being jealous, I mean come on, I am a stud muffin.”
“I agree Morty, I get inspired by nature, animals and sports as well. We are a good team! But now I am going to take the high road and say Goodbye to our readers before you start talking about how you can bench press 400 lbs and that you speaks 5 different languages and have traveled the whole country.”
“Well I can, and have.”
“No you can’t, and have not.”
“Well I am strong, I do speak lots of noises, and I’ve been in 7 states and you said more to come.”
“Okay, kind of true. But whatever we get the point. Thanks for reading Mondays with Meghan & Morty our Dog-alogue Blog. Be sure to check us out on occasional Mondays where you will get to learn more about me and Morty and what’s coming up in Snorty Morty Designs. Or just come to enjoy some Meghan and Morty banter about a little bit of a lot of everything and a little bit of a lot of nothing. Hey, you just may learn a little something! And remember join our email list to find out even more including studio updates, new products, gift ideas and don’t forget those exclusive discounts and freebies.”
Snorty Morty Designs, A Playful Company that captures everyday moments with hand-painted
whimsical Greeting Cards and Gifts.